A Gloucester Community Networking W.O.R.S. Project

GCN Website

The Western Front Association


About the WFA

The Western Front Association was formed in 1980 to maintain interest in the period 1914-1918, to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of those on all sides who served their countries in France and Flanders and their own countries during the Great War. It does not seek to glorify war and is non-political.

For a modest annual subscription, our members receive a wide range of benefits. In particular, belonging to the WFA provides you with the opportunity of meeting like-minded people to learn, share, explore and exchange information and knowledge in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

You will also receive our regular, high-quality publications 'Stand To!' and Bulletin in total six times a year.

Join the WFA

Our aims are 'Remembrance and Sharing the History of the Great War'. You get 6 magazines per year. Currently there is a 3 extra months Free offer - ask office for details. For more information on how to join and what membership options are available, please go to the home page.

For all enquiries, please contact the office:

+44 (0) 207 118 1914

WFA Website

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