A Gloucester Community Networking W.O.R.S. Project

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Taste The Trench 2019

Project GLOS100

Gloucester Community Networking's (GCN) GLOS100 event #TasteTheTrench took place on the 24th August 2019, in Westgate Street, adjacent to Shire Hall as part of the larger #GloucesterGoesReto annual event.

The main aims to:

  • raise donations for the 'Combat Stress' Veterans' Mental Health Charity
  • This year GCN volunteers raised a total of £589.53 for Combat Stress. This is double the amount raised in 2018, which was £271.28.

    Combat Stress Acknowledgement Letter

    Combat Stress Acknowledgement Letter

  • raise funds for GCN's Wars Out-Reach in Schools (W.O.R.S.) project for 2019/2020
  • GCN volunteers also raised £200 from the 'Taste The Trench Experience' that will go towards the next GCN project called Wars Out-Reach in Schools (W.O.R.S.).

  • promote the learning of various impacts of WW1, including: Women at war; Underage soldiers; Black & Ethnic marjority soldiers of the British Empire; LGBTQ History in the Great War; Disabled Veterans; Shell Shock (links to present day PTSD in Veterans, Emergency Services, Adults & Teenagers)
  • raise awareness of Gloucester Community Networking (GCN) and the other projects for 2019/2020

Photo of Star Wars Storm Troopers in front of the GLOS100 Trench

These are not the droids you are looking for!

Photo of Allo Allo Cast in front of the GLOS100 Trench

Across the decades - WW1 & WW2 - the cast of Allo Allo

The main aims of our #TasteTheTrench event were to provide the general public with a visual representation of a WW1 Trench, with soldiers in uniform, who were on hand to explain what being in the Trench may have been like and the types of weaponry they would have had at their disposal. It was also to provide a broader education with regards to the forgotten or less reported aspects of WW1, such as the role women and ethnic minorities played in helping the allies win the war.

We also tried to mix reality with the humility to assist inspiring new generation to learn from the mistakes of the past conflicts.

Photo of a Vicker's Machine Gun in the GLOS100 Trench

a Vicker's machine gun

Photo of GCN volunteers dress as WW1 soldiers, eating icecream in the GLOS100 Trench

WW1 Soldiers enjoying a refreshing icecream purchased from The Clementine in Westgate Street

All the wood needed to build the Trench and the shed attached to the Trench was donated by Cheltenham Fencing, who also loaned their transport vehicle, which was needed to move the mobile Trench to and from Gloucester City Centre. Graham and his staff have been very supportive of our WW1 ‘Taste The Trench’ for the last 16 months.

Company Logo for Cheltenham Fencing

As in 2018 now in 2019 The Fairview Gardener Garden Centre & Tea Room assisted the 'Taste The Trench' Display with the use of their transportation for most of the Trench, Tentage, Camouflage Nets, and furniture. A very big THANK YOU to Glenn Satterthwaite, Paul Turner & Luke Newson for their help.

Company Logo for The Fairview Gardener Garden Centre and Tea Room

The Fairview Gardener Garden Centre & Tea Room

We have also had a great deal of support from Chris Evans at The Butterfly Garden where we have been able to extend the Trench whilst education Volunteers at the BFG about Trench Life and Uniforms.

Charity Logo for The Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly Garden

This year we were able to expand upon what the Trench looked like and what was included inside. Volunteers Dan Fraser-Williams, Steve Fraser-Williams, Barry Duke, Patrick Meulbrouck, Rob Howells and Ray Pass manned the Trench, helping children and adults into WW1 Uniforms and taking them into the Trench for them to impart some of the history behind the Trench and what went on inside it, as well as for an opportunity to have a photo shoot.

As the organiser, Christopher Auker-Howlett, uses a wheelchair himself, the Trench had a ramp, which made it accessible to the less able bodied. A small suggested donation of £1 was asked for, for anyone wishing to enter the Trench wearing uniforms and having a ‘Taste The Trench’ experience, which will help fund the next major GCN project called Wars Out-Reach in Schools (W.O.R.S.), which will support schools with equipment and uniforms that support teachers in Historical Wars WW1 and WW2.

Photo of GCN Volunteers dressed as WW1 Soldiers in the GLOS100 Trench

GCN Volunteers in Gloucestershire Regiment uniforms collecting donations for the GCN W.O.R.S. project

Photo of GCN's GLOS100 WW1 Trench

The mobile Taste the Trench experience

An additional Display included Tentage and Camouflage Nets on loan from Support Battalion, HQ ARRC based at Imjin Barracks, Innsworth.

Logo for Allied Rapid Reaction Corps

ARRC Innsworth

Logo for ARRC Special Branch

ARRC Support Battalion

These tents housed the WW1 Army Air Corps display manned by Dave Partridge and several of his colleagues also dressed in British and German uniforms of the Great War. Dave also brought several Weapons including the Vickers Machine Gun that was used in the ‘Taste The Trench’ display. Furthermore Mark Page was wearing French Infantry Uniform with additional WW1 equipment and uniforms. Mark was a great example of a fully loaded WW1 French Trench Soldier.

Photo of Mark Page wearing WW1 French Infantry Uniform Trench

Mark Page, History Teacher, in French WW1 Uniform

Alongside the Trench, GCN’s GLOS100 also had a ‘WW1 Field Hospital’, where Lynn Page and Zoe Allan had children’s activities such as Decorating / Camouflage papier machet helmets with colouring sheets of Hesen and First Aid skills were given out in the ‘Tommy The Teddy’ with first aid given out by Mike Hemming.

Photo of Lynn Page and Zoe Allan supervising children's activities in thw WW1 Field Hospital

Lynne & Zoe in the Field Hospital tent

Photo of Tommy the Teddy and his teddy bear friends in the WW1 Field Hospital

Tommy The Teddies being bandaged in the Field Hospital

GCN’s chosen charity this year is Combat Stress, due to this year being 100 years since the charity was founded (May 1919). A range of Combat Stress Merchandise and information about what Combat Stress is, and what services they are able to offer Veterans who are suffering with mental health issues were available, manned by GCN volunteers Marie, Dan and Alfie Bufton and GCN Trustees Janet & Gary Murden. Gary also did a sterling job of taking the lead of assembling / disassembling the Trench and doing a number of trips back and forth to collect and store the Trench.

Photo of GCN Trustees Gary & Janet Murden, and GCN Volunteers Dan and Alfie Bufton on the Combat Stress information and merchandise stand

Janet & Gary Murden with Dan and Alfie Bufton on the merchandise stand for Combat Stress

Next to them, GCN Trustee Jill Davies set up an amazing Combat Stress Wine-bola, Gin-bola and regular Tombola where people could buy tickets to hopefully win a bottle of wine or gin (for the adults) and a range of other prizes for adults and children alike. All prizes were kindly donated by GCN members; the Gin was donated by a friend of GCN, Callie Stein.

Photo of GCN trustee, Jill Davies and GCN Volunteer, Marie Bufton on the Tombola stand raising money for the Combat Stress Charity

Jill Davies & Marie Bufton on the Tombola Stand for Combat Stress


The 'Taste The Trench' WW1 display is in need of reliable transport, e.g.,:,

  • 2 x Short Flat Bed Lorries, or;
  • 2 x Large Vans, or;
  • 1 x Large Flat Bed Lorry

to assist with the transportation of our Display Materials.

It takes 2 x full loads to transport the Trench Display Equipment and approx 3 x full cars.

If you are able to offer any assistance, please contact Christopher Auker-Howlett.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Our Projects could not go ahead without the hours of dedication donated by our great group of GCN Volunteers. They have worked tirelessly, giving up their spare time and gifting their own money to help make this and other projects a reality.

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Chris Auker-Howlett as a German Officer - Courtesy of Kurt Schroeder Photography

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Steve Fraser-Williams as a Tommy in the Trench - Courtesy of Kurt Schroeder Photography

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Dan Fraser-Williams as a young Gloucestershire Regiment Officer - Courtesy of Kurt Schroeder Photography

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Entrance to the Taste The Trench display - Rifle Crate and stencils Courtesy of Patrick Meulbrouck

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

View looking up Westgate Street

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Patrick Meulbrouck as a Gloucester Regiment Platoon Officer & Mark Page as a French Infantry Officer - Courtesy of Sandra Oxley Photography

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Mixed time Zones - WW1 and WW2

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Mark Page as a French Infantry Soldier showcasing his WW1 collection

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Pickelhaube Helmet - see Widipedia

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Steve and Dan Fraser-Williams at attention collecting donations to enter the Trench for the W.O.R.S. project

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Chris Auker-Howlett as a German Officer directing people to WW1 Army Air Corps and French Infantry displays (Chris is a nice person really!)

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

‘Taste the Trench’ Rifle Display British ‘Short Magazine Lee Enfield Rifle’ (S.M.L.E.).’ - Read more...

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Roy as a Corporal in the Gloucestershire Regiment - Courtesy of Sandra Oxley Photography

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Teaching a New Recruit in the Trench -

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Darth Vader and a Future ‘Storm Trooper’ in the Laguna's Spitfire Legacy Tent - LSL Website...

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Meeting of the French and the British Allies - Courtesy of Sandra Oxley Photography

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Meeting of two good causes - GLOS100: War Out Reach in Schools (W.O.R.S.) and Laguna's Spitfire Legacy Community Project

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Corporal Roy Evens explaining War Out-Reach in Schools (W.O.R.S.) Project and the ‘Taste The Trench’ to Richard Graham, MP for Gloucester

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Chris Auker-Howlett as the German Officer saluting the British ‘foes with honour’ 1914 Armistice - Courtesy of Sandra Oxley Photography

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

The Future Stormtroopers in the WW1 Trench where the Term Stormtroopers’ originated - see Wikipedia

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

British Vickers machine Gun, loaned from Dave Pritcharge

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

Paul Elksnis as the Combat Stress Stretcher Carrier with Super Volunteer Alfie Bufton

Specialised photo of Christopher Auker-Howlett

The Final Salute, an example of the folly of youth lost in the Great War

Plywood UK Logo linking to website Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum Logo linking to website GL3 Community Hub Logo linking to website Alabare Logo linking to website